The conference this year will be discussing 'Transition in an Uncertain Economy'. Keynote speakers and panel discussions will be exploring the future direction of the industry and the opportunities in renewables, utilities, oil & gas as well as innovation in finance in the sector.
- Keynote speakers and 3-panel discussions on different energy markets
- Excellent career and networking opportunities
- Lunch and drinks reception included
- Speakers Include:
Statoil, DONG Energy, BP, EDF Energy Renewables, Oxis Energy, UK Dept of Business Energy, BCG Consulting Group, AT Kearney, Grant Thorton, Kerogen Capital, Glennmont Partners & Energy Pro Ltd. - 09:00-17:00 24th November 2017
Venue: Regents University, London - Wharton Alumni can use code WHRT20 for £20 off the ticket price
For tickets and more information visit: